Zinnia - 'Benary's Giant Salmon Rose'
(Zinnia elegans) One of the largest flowered varieties of zinnias available, featuring beautiful broad blooms and a high percentage of double flowers. A warm peachy colour that softens with age. Plants reach 1m+ tall and have long, strong stems and great disease resistance. Exceptionally hardy through Summer months, a true resilient beauty to watch over your garden
Life Cycle: Annual
Height: up to 1m.
Position: Full Sun
Sow: 5mm deep
Spacing: 20cm apart
Sub-tropical to Temperate regions: sow from Spring into mid Summer.
Cooler regions: sow early Spring after the last frostGermination: 10 days.
Notes: Deadhead or harvest regularly to prolong flowering.
See more extended knowing, sowing, growing notes on Patreon