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Poppy - 'Amazing Grey'

Poppy - 'Amazing Grey'


(Papaver rhoeas) 

This Shirley poppy's crinkly, ruffled petals float and fade from pearly grey to slate blue to misty mauve with the occasional brush of dusky pink. Such a moody, haunting and wondrous bloom, in single and double flowers. Truly amazing to grow and behold.


Life Cycle: Annual / hardy

Height: to 70cm.

Position: Full Sun

Sow method: Direct or in trays. Poppies are known for being difficult to transplant, take extra care if raising seedlings and transferring to the garden.

Sow depth: needs light to germinate, sprinkle on the soil surface then press gently. Mist lightly when watering seed.

Spacing: 20 cm

Tropical climates: Spring
Sub-tropical climates: Autumn + Spring
Temperate climates: Autumn to early Spring
Cold climates: Spring (frost tolerant)
Germination: 14-28 days @ 12C degrees

Notes: Pick regularly to prolong flowering. Will readily self-sow when let go to seed. For cut flowers - cauterise ends in boiling water or flame to prolong bloom life in vase. 


See our more extended poppy knowing, sowing, growing and seed saving notes on Patreon :::

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