Poppy - 'Mother of Pearl'
(Papaver rhoeas)
An heirloom variety bred and selected by Sir Cedric Morris (artist and gardener) who used to wander the fields and hedgerows looking for softer poppy colours. The result is a beautiful and gentle mix of pale, dusty, smoky colours in lilac, mauve, pink, soft orange and white.
Life Cycle: Annual / hardy
Height: to 70cm.
Position: Full Sun
Sow method: Direct or in trays. Poppies are known for being difficult to transplant, take extra care if raising seedlings and transferring to the garden.
Sow depth: needs light to germinate, sprinkle on the soil surface then press gently. Mist lightly when watering seed.
Spacing: 20 cm
Tropical climates: Spring
Sub-tropical climates: Autumn + Spring
Temperate climates: Autumn to early Spring
Cold climates: Spring (frost tolerant)
Germination: 14-28 days @ 12C degreesNotes: Pick regularly to prolong flowering. Will readily self-sow when let go to seed. For cut flowers - cauterise ends in boiling water or flame to prolong bloom life in vase.
See our more extended poppy knowing, sowing, growing and seed saving notes on Patreon :::